- Tuition fee for all twelve months & bus fee for eleven months have to be paid in a year
as long as the students name remain on the roll.
- Tuition fee & bus fee has to be paid before the 10the of each month, failing
which a fine of Rs. 10/- tillthe last working day of the month.
- The delay in payment of fees beyond two months will render the name of the
concerned pupil liable to be struck off from the role
- All dues must be cleared before a student is admitted for the term examinations.
- To be eligible for appearing the final examination, the students must have a minimum attendence of 85%
- Absense from the school should be informed in advance to the class teacher through leave application
- Any student remains absent continously for 15 days without information, will be considered as having left the school and his/her name will be struct off from the roll
- Re-admission may be granted against fresh admission fee and all other dues.
- The principal reserve the right to remove a student from the School or suspend him or her for a certain period. if the conduct of the student in Principal's opinion is against the good moral tone of the School.
- Irregular attendance, idleness, disobedience, misbehaviour are some of the vital areas warraning action against the students.